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Trusted Partner is an award winning business consulting company established in the UAE for more than a decade, providing professional services. Being approved REGISTERED AGENT of several leading free zones, banks and Financial Institutions in UAE and having incorporated more than 100 companies Trusted Partner clearly stands ahead in terms of professional expertise and timely delivery of services.


Why a Tax Agent?

It is recommended to keep tax agents for every company as the complicated tax procedures may not get digested easily. Appointing a tax consultant from our tax agency services team in Dubai will add more advantages to the operational outcome.

  • A tax agent will represent you in Federal tax authority
  • A tax agent will undertake all responsibilities on taxation
  • A tax agent will inform you on all about your tax proceedings
  • A tax agent will update you with any kind of amendments in the law
  • A tax agent will assist you with best tax planning
  • A tax agent will resolve any tax disputes with the authority

Liaison with FTA 

Federal tax authority is the government establishment to take care about the tax related decisions and amendments in United Arab Emirates. All the tax procedures and regulatory measures will be constructed under the vision of this authority


Tax Agency Services

A tax agent is a person who is registered with FTA to represent any taxable person in front of the FTA. A tax agent in Dubai will serve the client to fulfil their needs on tax payments, queries, or any obligations related to tax.Tax agents will professionally support


Fine Disputes and Appeals

Tax is the commitment with government. Any delays, complications or improper clarification may lead to a grievance or dispute between the involved parties. As the taxation is monitored and regulated by federal tax authority, a government establishment


Auditing Services in Dubai

To be the most productive organization, all the financial statements should be fair and accurate in accordance to the set policies and strategies. Auditing is all about the critical examination of this maintenance by professional team. We are the top most auditing services providers in Dubai UAE to adhere with the best financial solutions that will assure the accuracy of the financial statements and applicability of policies and regulations. With our highly qualified auditing experts, you will experience the class rated assurance services that provide an independent and objective assessments of financial statements. Our team of experts will assure that everything from a single element to complicated regulations on finance part in your firm is perfectly on track for the better outcome.


Financial Report Audit

We are the leading financial report auditing firm in UAE. Over years of excellent service, we are committed to undertake one and each project towards us with the best class services. We carefully examine the client’s financial statements in the light of our expertise

Internal Audit

Internal audit is the most important part of financial management. Accurate and reliable internal auditing is recommended mandatory in every type of firm. As the global economy is facing dynamic changes frequently, the financial planning in the organization

External Audit

External audits are independent evaluation and examination of the financial statements prepared by the organization. Usually external audits are conducted for statutory purpose. This audit provides accurate and reliable opinion about the produced financial


Forensic Audit

Forensic audit services refers to the auditing done on any individual financial information in order to use it as an evidence for legal adjournment. Forensic auditing is expected to meet the suitability of use in court.Forensic audit procedures are complicated blic Sector Audit

Public sector auditing analyze and audit the financial statement of the public sector entities. Government organizations, institutions, hospitals, charity organizations etc. are assessed by professionals to have a clear insight on the financial statements and


Accounting Companies in Dubai

Bookkeeping or Accounting services are described as vital function of a business. Business transactions whether it is sales, payments, supply or services have to be recorded in a systematic and proper manner.The governing standard set for booking the business transactions are known as IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). It is essential for a businessmen to know about the performance of his business and apt recording of transactions is required to submit accurate reports to management.Similarly the business owner wants to know the financial position of his entity at any point of time to ascertain or evaluate the company’s net worth and performance. Most of the decisions are derived on the basis of the financial reports submitted by the Accountants.In line with our commitment to furnish accurate and appropriate financial reporting our accountants are highly qualified to carry out proper and systematic way of book keeping. In addition considering tax regime country our all the staff are trained for tax return filing and tax accounting. Since we are providing reports to the management on monthly basis the Management can take immediate action to rectify the areas where more cost involving rather than to wait for one year term to receive the Audit Report.The function of book keeping lay down the foundation of business transactions and accounting stands to support it and these accounting pillars referred as one of the strongest base that holds the stability of the company and allows the company to take management decisions on time.

Proper Bookkeeping and Accounting Required for:

  • Timely Decision making
  • Mandatory due to Value Added Tax implementation
  • Maintain stability in the competitive market
  • Monitoring & Tracking Financial malpractice and misappropriations
  • Manage working Capital needs to ease the entity from Financial Crisis
  • Support for preparation of budgeting & external auditing

We Trusted partner helps our clients with value added service to maintain proper recording of business transactions and that can release the tension of owners from  planning finance of the entity.

Accounting and Book Keeping

Trusted Partner provides reliable accounting and book keeping services in Dubai. We have been rated as one of the best among book keeping and accounting firms in Dubai.Our professional accounting team will work hard to attain financial stability for the organization

Accounting Services

Organizations run effectively with a qualified and experienced finance team. Controlling the factors that makes the organization to move flawless is not easy as expected. Dealing with money flow in and out of the organization may face several critical situations


File Keeping Services

Hiring a record keeping service to your firm will definitely add on to the organizational Excellency. It may not be easy for the organizations to possess a high end team for the entire record filing. Our Professional financial record keeping service


VAT Services in Dubai

Value added tax or VAT is considered as the most common form of indirect tax. This tax practice is followed by more than 180 countries all over the world. In a forecast to deliver high quality living structure, UAE government have implemented VAT with effect from January 2018.VAT is a tax on the consumption of goods and services. This tax is imposed on the final consumer. Vat collected by the business is returned to the government as per the regulation. Value added tax has implication on both individual customer and business entity.

Indication of VAT on Individuals

  • Increase in the cost of living
  • Affects lifestyle and spending behavior

Indication of VAT on Business

  • Responsibility to record each and every transaction
  • Required VAT accounting
  • Liability to government to return the tax collected from the individuals
  • Responsible to be aware about any updating or amendment on VAT related rules

How Does the VAT Functions?

Value added tax is imposed on the final customer. Business is responsible to collect VAT from the customer on behalf of government. All business who falls under VAT registration criteria should get registered with government. These business organizations will report the amount of tax received from the business with the government. With the formal reporting about VAT with government, any difference in the charged amount from consumers and paid amount to government by the business will get adjusted.

We provide class rated VAT services to the organization. With effect from January 2018 VAT is a crucial element that have altered entire operations of each and every organization subjected under this new taxation by FTA. By implementing VAT to the organization, all of them have to make appropriate amendments in their core operations, financial practices, procedures, book keeping, technology used in the accounting practices etc. These all requirements will be met by our expert hands who will imply those indices carefully.


VAT Implementation

Being the top rated auditing and tax agency, we always stand by our customers with utmost care and professionalism. In the light of our expertise, UAE VAT law will never affect the flow of your organization

VAT Return Filing

We are the top class auditing and tax agency company to fill your all VAT requirements. Our qualified and experienced team will give you the best and flawless VAT experience.We deliver outstanding services

VAT Registration

Trusted Partner is one of the comprehensive supporting agent for all of your VAT service needs. Our tax agents will lead the organization to experience and know the VAT and its implications in the organization easily